An optimized CDU preheat train solution for a South Korean refinery

Major savings at a Korean refinery

In this free webinar you will learn how Alfa Laval worked closely together with a pioneering refinery in South Korea to revamp one of their crude distillation units. 

For this project, the goal was to significantly increase crude capacity, while keeping the fired heater capacity untouched. Following a pinch study, they saw that this would involve adding new heat exchangers as well as relocating existing heat exchangers.

Watch the webinar to find out how our refinery experts helped solve the problems the Korean refinery was facing. The main challenges were:

  • Bringing in high efficiency heat exchanger technology that would make it possible to reach the target pinch, with a very tight temperature approach.

  • Space limitations, which means that compactness was a critical factor.

Learn more about how we can help optimize processes in your refinery


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Products featured

Alfa Laval Compabloc heat exchangerThe compact, fully welded Compabloc heat exchanger is designed to operate with a wide range of aggressive media and at high temperatures and pressures. 

More about Compabloc