TJ40G Burst
Rotary Jet Head for effective removal of stubborn residues
Alfa Laval TJ40G Burst is a rotary jet head tank cleaner with a special nozzle that enables fast chemical wetting of the tank to help reduce cleaning time and water and chemical usage. Designed for hygienic applications such as food, dairy, personal care and beverages, it provides exceptional cleanability, better end-product quality, greater overall output and up to 70% reduction in operating costs.
More available production time as cleaning time is 60% faster than normal methods
- Avoid contamination with effective cleaning performance and superior self-cleaning features
- Fast wetting effectively distributes chemicals to soak soiled surfaces to save time and energy
- Cost efficient and sustainable solution reduces cleaning costs by up to 70% (water and chemicals)
- More available production time with up to 60% faster cleaning times
- Easy to service and maintain – no special tools required
Best of three technologies in single product
TJ40G Burst combines the best features of Alfa Laval rotary jet heads, rotary spray heads, and static spray balls to effectively soften and remove stubborn residues. The Alfa Laval Burst nozzle maximizes chemical usage and drastically reduces the amount of time and water. The rotary jet head/burst nozzle combination is ideal for fermentation tanks, yeast manufacturing tanks and other applications with stubborn residues.
Curățare eficientă a rezervorului la costuri reduse de operare
Jetul puternic generează o forță mecanică ridicată și oferă o acoperire de 360 ° pentru a îndepărta eficient produsele și reziduurile rămase și oferă cele mai bune condiții igienice pentru producție. Pe măsură ce forța generată de capul rotativ de jet crește, consumul de apă scade, ceea ce duce la economii semnificative de costuri, așa cum este ilustrat în diagrame. (bazat pe filozofia de curățare a Dr. Sinner
- Econimii de costuri (apă, soluții chimice): 70%*
- Economie de timp = mai mult timp de producșie: 60%*
* în comparație cu curățarea tradițională cu bile pulverizatoare statice
Bilă cu pulverizare statică
Alfa Laval TJ20G / TJ40G
Yellow = Temperature
Grey = Chemicals
Albastru = Consum de apă/timp
Roșu = Acțiune mecanică
Galben = Temperatură
Gri = Soluții chimice
Learn more
You can read more about the efficiency, practicality and technical details of the TJ40G Rotary Jet Head tank cleaning devices.
How it works
How does the TJ40G work? Click here to find out.
Validate your tank cleaning process
Alfa Laval Rotacheck validates the rotary jet heads cleaning process, reduces water consumption and product loss. Provides peace of mind.
In the brewing industry?
we don’t offer any one-size-fits-all, out-of-the-box solutions. Before making any suggestions we always listen carefully to your requirements, goals and ambitions. We would gladly discuss the possibilities in your brewery and speak to you in person.